Robot Mailboxes
Businesses in South Salt Lake's Creative Industries Zone have found a new way to show their creative side. With help from sculptor Fred Conlan and the artists at Sugar Post Metal, businesses collaborate on creating a sculptural mailboxes that will become beacons for visitors in the neighborhood. Conlan is known for his recycled metal sculptures that have a mind of their own. So far, our growing family of Robot Mailboxes lives at The Bike Collective, Pat's BBQ, Counterpoint Studios, and our newest addition at Level Crossing Brewing Co.
Thank you to the Union Pacific Foundation for their donation, to Sugar Post studio for collaborating, and to the local businesses for giving art a home!
The first robot, built of bike parts, lives at the Bicycle Collective.

Kegs and rail crossings at
Level Crossing Brewing Co.

Robot Rockstar at Counterpoint Studio

Gateway Sculptures
Take a walk to the Jordan River along the Mill Creek Trail and you will find yourself crossing the I-15 / 3300 South interchange. This isn't any ordinary interchange, it is a gateway to South Salt Lake and has been dressed up with funding from UDOT and South Salt Lake. The new gateway has the signature South Salt Lake sign, new lighting and banners, landscaping and a couple pieces of public art.
Ric Blackerby was selected from a pool of artists who proposed, to provide a stone art piece in the landscaped area. The two pieces, one featuring a "spaghetti bowl" of directional arrows and one featuring a dragonfly, remind travelers to stop, take a look around and ask about the environment they are in. The SSL Arts Council co-sponsored the art installation and led the selection process. Thank you to Ric for your ideas and to Spectrum Studio in South Salt Lake for your execution of the works.

Utility Boxes
Driving around South Salt Lake is much like driving around any other busy city, get to an intersection. You are likely to find a piece of artwork right in front of you to pause and think about the beauty in our world. These pieces of art are made possible by a collaboration between the SSL Urban Livability Department and the SSL Arts Council. The Urban Livability Department was motivated to cover the boxes, owned by a variety of government agencies (UDOT, UTA, SSL Public Works) to prevent graffitti from covering them, and to celebrate the community's creative side.
Anyone is invited to submit artwork, which is reviewed by the Arts Council and recommended for display. As of summer 2016, 28 utility boxes in South Salt Lake have become works of art.
Thank you to Comcast, for their donation with Comcast Cares Day that pays for the wrapped art, and thank you to the creative artists who have submitted and donated original artwork to display.